Grant 3,008 Gaza Visas So Far

More than 3,000 Gazans to date have been approved for visas to enter Canada, says a Department of Immigration briefing note. Staff boasted Canada with its 5,000-visa program was “the only country in the world” to offer residency to Gaza residents ineligible under immigration programs: "We are being as flexible as possible." READ MORE

Tells Media, ‘Be Responsible’

Media and public health agencies have misled Canadians on the true impact of federal drug policy, Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre yesterday told reporters. “Be more responsible,” said Poilievre: "Results of their policies are plain for all eyes to see." READ MORE

Jews No. 1 Target: Gov’t Data

Jews last year were targeted in more police-reported hate crimes than any other group, Statistics Canada said yesterday. Anti-Semitism led all other hate crime categories though Jews account for less than one percent of Canada’s population: "I never thought in my lifetime I’d see anti-Semitism like this in our streets." READ MORE

Paid $500M In $5B Bread Fix

A $500 million Loblaw Companies class action settlement in a bread price fixing scandal represents a fraction of industry profits from the alleged conspiracy, according to court records. Loblaw yesterday apologized for cheating customers: "Sorry." READ MORE

Senators Want Death Records

The federal archives must release all relevant records to determine how many children died at Indian Residential Schools, the Senate Indigenous peoples committee said yesterday. The recommendation follows contradictory evidence regarding “unmarked graves.” READ MORE

Hussen OK’d “Hate” Guide

A taxpayer-funded guidebook instructing schoolchildren to identify the Conservative Party with bigots was approved by then-Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen’s office, Access To Information records show. The guide also called the Red Ensign a hate symbol and provided tips on how to confront classmates with incorrect thinking: "Hype up the initiative." READ MORE

Immigrants Driving Up Rents

Bank of Canada analysts yesterday disputed cabinet claims immigration is an immediate net benefit to the country. Immigrants typically drive up rents, are slow to get a job and contribute “to inflationary pressures in some sectors,” said the Bank: "Housing supply has not kept up." READ MORE

Guest Commentary

Eric Koch

CBC On A Mission

Was the CBC elitist? There was a sense of us versus them. We thought we were serving not just the country but a standard of knowledge, taste and principle that was above money. CBC-TV from 1952 to 1960 was a monopoly. They were happy days. CBC operated the only television network and issued TV licenses. It was a hierarchy built like a church. The president was Pope, the vice-presidents were cardinals and there was a gospel, the Broadcasting Act. The Act said the CBC was to educate, enlighten, inform and entertain. This was taken seriously and enforced.