A Poem — “Canadian, Eh?”


On TV and

in full-page, full-colour newspaper ads,

Tim Hortons presents their

Maple Iced Capp and

Creamy Maple Chill.


“So Canadian,” they claim,

as they apologize

for not introducing them sooner.


They may have forgotten their merger

with the American chain Burger King, and

the Brazilian investment firm that now owns them.


Oh, and there isn’t a drop of maple in the new



It’s all artificial flavours and colours –

just like their Maple Pecan Danish,

their Canadian Maple Donut,

their Maple Swirl Donut,

and their Maple Dip Donut.


Also in the list of ingredients:


Perhaps that’s Timmy’s way of keeping things

Always Fresh.


Remind me –

what were they sorry for?



(Editor’s note: poet Shai Ben-Shalom, an Israeli-born biologist, examines current events in the Blacklock’s tradition each and every Sunday)

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