A Case Of Click, Send, Uh-Oh

A hasty email breached privacy rights of more than 1,000 Canada Student Loan borrowers, says Northwest Territories Privacy Commissioner Andrew Fox. The Commissioner yesterday detailed his investigation into a hurried email that mistakenly disclosed two years’ worth of financial records on borrowers: “A moment’s inattention led to a privacy breach that affected 1,159 people.”

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Business Partner Admits Lie

Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault’s business partner yesterday admitted he lied to reporters about company dealings. Stephen Anderson, an Edmonton importer, was threatened with contempt by the Commons ethics committee: “The jig is up.”

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Senate Chauffeurs Get 11.7%

Senate chauffeurs, mail clerks and maintenance workers have won a three-year wage hike compounded at 11.7 percent. Total spending by the Senate is estimated at $134.9 million this year, according to budget documents: “We have not looked at the impact of potential reductions.”

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More Staffers For Fewer Vets

A decline in the number of veterans in Canada is no reason to cut the Department of Veterans Affairs, says a federal briefing note. The departmental payroll has grown 26 percent since 2015 even as managers overestimated the dwindling number of veterans they serve: “How is that possible?”

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Must Save Atlantic Landmark

The Department of Fisheries yesterday pledged to save Canada’s tallest lighthouse, a 10-storey clifftop landmark at Gaspé, Que. built in 1858. It follows a federal audit that faulted the Government of Canada for allowing heritage structures to crumble into disrepair: “I mean, the government doesn’t look good.”

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Repeats “First Woman” Claim

Chrystia Freeland says she considers herself a regular working mom and “the first woman finance minister in Canada.” She isn’t. Speaking to tax lobbyists in Vancouver, Freeland omitted all reference to the true record holder and mistakenly claimed no other finance minister knew “what it is like to pump your breast milk.”

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No More Media Leaks: Memo

Whistleblower leaks to reporters hurt democracy, says an Access To Information memo from the Department of Immigration. Managers told employees to send any grievance to an anonymous electronic suggestion box but acknowledged media were bound to hear about it anyway: ‘Disclosing privileged information to media erodes the very trust on which government depends.’

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Vets’ Emergency Aid Up 53%

A federal program to provide emergency food and shelter to destitute veterans went 53 percent over budget last year, records show. Most applicants were homeless or suffered addiction or mental health issues, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs: “The shelters are full.”

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Bankers Studied Credit Rule

Regulating minimum payments on credit cards may save some consumers interest charges but drives others to delinquency, says a Bank of Canada study. Researchers drew findings from the only province to introduce a minimum payment rule: “We find evidence the policy led to a reduction in credit access.”

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China Probes Increase Sixfold

RCMP investigations into foreign interference have grown sixfold, says a briefing note for Commissioner Michael Duheme. Suspicious activity included alleged criminality by Chinese Communist Party agents targeting MPs: “The RCMP experienced an increase of 468 percent in its foreign actor interference related occurrences.”

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Politics Is Now “Scary”: Singh

New Democrat leader Jagmeet Singh yesterday called the political climate “scary.” Asked by reporters for comment on the shooting of Donald Trump, Singh said he too has “worried about the safety of the people around me,” an apparent reference to a 2022 incident in Peterborough, Ont.: “We need to make sure people feel safe.”

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